Übersicht - Musikinstrumente - KETRON SD-8 Keyboard Knopfgriff
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Ketron SD8 Knopfgriff Keyboard. Bei uns kaufen online bestellen.. Ketron SD 8 Knopf-KeyboardKetron SD-8 Knopf-Keyboard mit 52 Knöpfen rechts, 120 Bässen links, über 1000 percussive Sounds und 202 interne Styles - Keyboards: Rechts: 52 Knöpfe. - Links: 120 Bässe. Links und Rechts separate Anschlagstärke. 6 Anschlagdynamik-Kurven. Pitch & Modulation joystick. Aftertouch. - Multi-tab: 1-16 multifunktionelle tabs. - Mode Select: Drum On/Off, SFX, GM Part access, Free Assignable, Registration Groups, Arabic scale. - Display: 240 x 128 pixel, graphisches TCF. - Floppy Disk: 3.5 2DD/HD. - Hard Disk: (optional) Type ATA IDE 2.5. 6Gbyte (max). - Sound Generation: 290 Orchestral Presets Sounds. 292 GM Voices. über 1000 Percussive sounds. 32 parts Multitimbral. - User Voices: 110 User Voices. - Editing: A,D,S,R, Cut Off, Resonanz, Effects. - 1 Touch: 60 programmierbare 1 Touch Sounds, dem Style zuweisbar. - Drawbars: 8 Digital Drawbar effects. 10 Selections. - Programs: 120 Programs. 4 Voices, 4 splits. Sustain, Portamento, Velocity switch, Duet, Trio, Morphing, Steel, Slide, Harmony und 2nd voice assign. Single & Global Program loading. - 2nd Voice: 292 Preset & programmable Second Voices. 2nd Voice Edit. - Registrationen: 198 panel settings. Single & Block mode. Registration Group thru 1-16 Multitab. - Drum 1: 24 New Drum sets. 24 User Drum Sets. 10 Drum sections. Drum Mixer. Manual Drums. - Drum 2: 62 Live Drum sets. New Acoustic and Latin Loops. - Arranger: 202 Internal Styles, featuring new Unplugged, Real Latin, Ballroom and Pop Styles. Riff section. Arranger Mute. After Fill. Smart 7th. Alternate Bass. Swing Bass. Professional Guitar templates. Rewritable parameters. - 4 Arrangers: A, B, C, D. 3 Intro/Endings, Fill In, Break. Interactive Accompaniment. Manual Bass. Jump. Tap Tempo. Accelerando-Ritardando. Tempo control. Pedalboard funcions. Rootless & Standard Chord recognition. - Pattern: internal 2 Mbyte Flash (up to 50 Patterns). - Edit functions: Record, Clear, Copy , Remap. Pattern Expansion memory (optional). - Song Record: real time Song Recording to Disk. - Pianist: Standard & Auto Mode.Sustain On/Off. - Octave: 1 octave Up/Down. - Double: lower octave coupling. - Harmony: Full, Jazz, Double, Bluegrass, Trill, Repeat, Folk 1, Folk 2. - Transposer: +/- 24 half tones. - Arabic Scale: 13 arabic setups (footswitch assignable). Tune + / - 99 cents per note. Accordion - Mode: International, Belgique. Velocity control to Left&Right. Bass&Lower octave. Left Drum to Bass&Chord. - Effects: Multieffect DSP. 60 different effects. Reverberation, Chorus, Flanger, Delay, Tap Delay 4 / 8, Wha Wha, Distortion, Overdrive, Rotor Slow/Fast , Bass Boost. Portamento. Mono - Legato function. Hier klicken: Zum Shop mit KETRON SD-8 Keyboard Knopfgriff!
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KETRON SD-8 Keyboard Knopfgriff