Übersicht - Musikinstrumente - KETRON SD-1 PLUS Keyboard
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Ketron SD-1 Keyboard. Neue Sound-Generation. Bei uns kaufen online bestellen.. Technische Daten Neue Sound-GenerationNeue Live Drums und Drum-Sets 131 neue Flash-StylesDrum RemixBassistAlle Funktionen des Update 4.0X & XD ?Style-ConverterTolles Bonus-Paket (Harddisk) mit 26 erstklassigen Sounds (Stereo-Grand Piano-Sound, Sax-,Orgel-, Akkordeon-, Pad- und Gitarrensounds)166 Top-Profi Midifiles200 Song-Registrations35 PatternsSD1 Standard Style Backup-Ordner Farb-Taster für wichtigste Funktionen Specifications KEYBOARD76 half-weighted keys.After touch. 6 new Velocity Curves.POLIPHONY 64 notes.32 multitimbral.SOUND GENERATION310 New Presets ( programmable ), 350 GM Voices.128 User Voices. 80 One Touch setting. 16 digital Drawbars.Up to 1000 Drum Percussion Sounds.RAM 16 MB RAM. Single &Block Sound loading. Files.Wav,Msp and Ins supported.ARRANGER131 New Flash Styles (rewritable ).168 ROM Styles. Style setting. 4 Arranger, 3 Intros/Endings, 3Fills Ins, Break, Fill To End, Jump. Interactive accompaniment. Tap tempo. Accelerando ? Ritardando.Tempo Slow/Fast. 1 Touch to Style. Chord solo .BASS : Manual Bass, Bass to Lowest, Basso to Root. Bassist .PIANIST : Auto/Standard mode.DRUM SETS24 New Internal Drum Sets.24 User Drum Sets. 50 Live Drums. Manual Drums.Drum Mixer.10 Drum Sections. PROGRAMS128 Programs.4 voices.Modes :Duet,Trio,Steel,Morphing. Single & Global Program Disk loading.2ND VOICE 2nd Voice programmable for each Preset and User Voice. 2nd Voice to Disk.MIDIFILE PLAYERSMF Song playback.Real Time song recording.Songs with lyrics,karaoke and files Txt. Juke box.Intelligent Transposer. Demo&Hit folder. Drum&Bass. Lead Off. XD Series Remap.DRUM REMIX Real time interactive MIDI ?le and Style playing. Song and Style select.OCTAVEUp/Down +/-1 Octave.HARMONYFull,Jazz,Double Up, Double Down, 5th, Bluegrass,Trill,Folk1, Folk 2, Repeat & Speed control.PORTAMENTORate control +/-64.Mono Legato function.TRANSPOSER+/-24 half tonesAFTERTOUCHAssignable to Cut off,Volume,Bend,Slide,LFO,Attack,Treshold and Sensitivity control.MOD.WHEELLFO to Pitch,to DCF,to DCA,Wha Wha,Swell,Rate.Rotor speed control .PITCH WHEELTune +/-99 Cents .Vibrato On/Off.Bend value 0/24.Bend to LFO,DCF,DCA.ARABIC SCALETune +/-99 Cents per note.13 Arabic set ups footswitch assignable.ACCORDION MODEInternational,Belgique.Left/Right velocity control.Bass octave.Bass Sustain.Bass to Chord recognition, Lower octave. Left drum to Bass &Chord. Bass Off on Stop.EFFECTS3 digital multi effects DSP ?s.60 differents effects,Reverberation,Chorus ,Flanger,Delay,WhaWha,Distorsion,Overdrive,Rotor,Equalizer +/-12 Db (Low,Middle,High).16 User Effects.SAMPLER16 Mbyte sampling 16 Bit -44.1 KHz. Multisampler editor. Wav Sync to Style.VOCALIZERVocalizer unit.Harmonizer.Vocoder,Melody types.MIDI Vocalist track.Left&Right assignment.Filter edit.Vocalizer modes.MICRO2 Micro input:XRL Balanced,Mono Jack.2 Micro Out to external mixer.Level Pan Pot,Echo,Reverb,Pitch Shift+/- 12,Dry.MIDIIn1,In2,Out,Thru.32 MIDI channels.General MIDI Standard.SEQUENCER16 Tracks,150.000 notes.FLOPPY DISK3.5 2DD/HD.HARD DISKType ATA IDE 2.5. 6Gbyte .Up to 99 folders.Master folder.Bonus Library : Stereo Grand Piano.Orchestral sounds. 200 Midi files. 200 Song Single Registrations. 35 Patterns. Internal Style backup folder. X & XD Series Style Conversion.DISPLAY240 X 128 Pixel baklit graphic TCFOUTPUTSOut 1Left/Mono.Out 2Right.Out 3.Out 4.Sustain Pedal.Footswitch (6 or 13 switches).Micro1 Out.Micro2 Out. GM/Keyboard Out assignment to 4 audio OutputsINPUTSStereo headphone.MicroXRL.Micro Jack.Micro Gain control.OPTIONALVideo Interface .Volume Pedal.Volume Pedal 4 switches.Sustain pedal.Footswitch FS6-FS13.MIDI Pedalboard.COMPUTERPC/Mac Interface .Cable&Software.DIMENSIONS119 X 39 X 12 CmsWEIGHTKg 16.5 Hier klicken: Zum Shop mit KETRON SD-1 PLUS Keyboard!
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