Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Acquire (engl.)
Zurück: Justinian (engl.) (2. Wahl) Weiter: GamesOrbit 09 Juni/Juli 2008
As a powerful real estate tycoon; there are only seven hotel chains in the world worthy of your attention. Using nothing but your wealth and wits; you must vie against other business magnates to manipulate construction and capitalize on mergers -- buying; trading; and selling stocks in order to get the greatest return on your investments.Acquire challenges you to pit your resources snf resolve against other players in this high-finance game of speculation and strategy! Hier klicken: Zum Shop mit Acquire (engl.)!
Zurück: Justinian (engl.) (2. Wahl) Weiter: GamesOrbit 09 Juni/Juli 2008