Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Enemy Chocolatier (engl.)
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Enemy Chocolatier (engl.)

Enemy Chocolatier (engl.)
There are two types of actors in this world. There are those who act because they can; and those who do it because they can do nothing else. Youre the third kind: you act in spite of the fact that you cant. The worlds worst variety of hack; talentless yet illogically persistent.And you seem to live at Deadwood Studios; a Western-a-Week schlock movie house with no illusions about their role in the business. Budget; Script; Quality; and Originality. Who needs em? Deadwooders can make movies day and night. Its the perfect place to do that thing you call work.Another Day; Another Dollar is the collective
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Enemy Chocolatier (engl.)
