Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Napoleon (engl.)
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Napoleon (engl.)

Napoleon (engl.)
On June 18; 1815; one of the most decisive battles in military history was fought in Belgian fields twenty miles southeast of Brussels. Within a short 100 days; Napoléon; former emperor of France; had returned from exile on the island of Elba; again seized power; quickly assembled an army; and marched to defeat the dispersed British and Prussian armies now preparing to invade France.Napoléon invaded Belgium on June15th; defeated the Prussians at the Battle of Ligny on the 16th and after a day of pursuit; faced the British and Dutch army commanded by Wellington. Aided by superb defensive tactics and the timely arrival of Prussian reinforcements; Wellington defeated the French in the great Battle of Waterloo; ending forever the military ambitions of the great Napoléon.
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Napoleon (engl.)
