Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Runebound: Shadows of Margath (Erw.) (engl.)
Zurück: Wings of War: Watch your Back (engl.) Weiter: Warcraft: The Boardgame (engl.)
Undead legions are on the march; there are dire omens in the sky; and the air is full of fear. The long; cold shadow of Margath is stretching across the land; and grows darker with each passing day.The Shadows of Margath expansion pack introduces an assortment of dangerous new monsters; encounters; and events that can be added seamlessly to the Runebound basic game. There are no new rules to learn; the players can simply shuffle these new cards into their adventure decks and begin playing with them immediately.This expanion includes 29 new adventure cards. Hier klicken: Zum Shop mit Runebound: Shadows of Margath (Erw.) (engl.)!
Zurück: Wings of War: Watch your Back (engl.) Weiter: Warcraft: The Boardgame (engl.)