Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Blue Moon - Mimix (Erw.) (engl.)
Zurück: Blue Moon - Flit (Erw.) (engl.) Weiter: Alhambra (engl.)
Blue Moon: The Mimix is a Peoples expansion for the Blue Moon basic game. By adding the Mimix to your Blue Moon collection; you gain a whole new deck with which to play this non-collectible customizable card game.The secretive Mimix dwell in the forests and wild places of the land. Their shamanistic teachings hold that balance is central to all things; and the Mimix extend this philosophy to every aspect of their lives; including warfare. The Mimix warrior-women fight in pairs; each supporting and defending her sister warrior. With many Pair character cards and a few Free ones; the Mimix are capable of building up to impressive heights of strength in both Fire and Earth.This deck includes 31 new cards for your Blue Moon collection and is playable right out of the box against any other Blue Moon deck. Hier klicken: Zum Shop mit Blue Moon - Mimix (Erw.) (engl.)!
Zurück: Blue Moon - Flit (Erw.) (engl.) Weiter: Alhambra (engl.)