Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Drakon 3. Ed. (engl.)
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Players are trying to escape the dragons lair. Each turn a player places a tile or moves his Hero. Many tiles have a special icon; allowing players who occupy them to take special actions. Some examples would be take a gold; steal a gold from another player or destroy a tile in play.In the new version there are minatures; bigger tiles; new rules and new artwork.The tiles are a combination of those of the old Drakon and the 1st expantion.Gold now can have different values and players must now gain 10 gold to win the game. Hier klicken: Zum Shop mit Drakon 3. Ed. (engl.)!
Zurück: Drakon (3. Auflage) Weiter: Monopoly - Coburg