Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Runebound: Drakes and Dragonspawn (Exp.) (engl.)
Zurück: Runebound: Cult of The Rune (Exp.) (engl.) Weiter: Runebound: Sands of Al-Kalim (Exp.) (engl.)
More people are slain by drakes every year than by dragons. Smaller than dragons; yes; less potent; fewer magics at their commands - but drakes are so much more common than their larger cousins. A man could live one thousand years and never meet a dragon; but hungry drakes have been known to range even into the Free Cities in search of food. And then; of course; there are the dragonspawn ... ~Autorius of Greyhaven; BestiaryThe Drakes and Dragonspawn expansion pack introduces a flight of new hazards; challenges; quests; and events as the drakes and their ilk spread across the world. These cards can be seamlessly added to any Runebound game; providing all new adventure and rewards! Hier klicken: Zum Shop mit Runebound: Drakes and Dragonspawn (Exp.) (engl.)!
Zurück: Runebound: Cult of The Rune (Exp.) (engl.) Weiter: Runebound: Sands of Al-Kalim (Exp.) (engl.)