Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Warhammer Invasion: March of the Damn (Exp.) (engl.)
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Warhammer Invasion: March of the Damn (Exp.) (engl.)

Warhammer Invasion: March of the Damn (Exp.) (engl.)
March of the Damned is an exciting deluxe expansion for Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game, and it will bring new strategic depth to your deck-building experience when it hits store shelves this fall.With 165 cards (3 copies each of 55 cards) consisting of new deck-building options for players of all factions, March of the Damned brings, as neutral forces, the mysterious danger of the jungle-dwelling Lizardmen and the foul dark arts of the Vampire Counts to Warhammer: Invasion. March of the Damned also introduces two new keywords, ?Savage? and ?Necromancy,? bringing a new level of strategy to your game. Hersteller: Fantasy Flight Games, Lieferzeit/Verfügbarkeit: Tage, Versandkosten: ab 0,00 Euro
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Warhammer Invasion: March of the Damn (Exp.) (engl.)
