Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Acqua Dolce (engl.)
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Acqua Dolce (engl.)

Acqua Dolce (engl.)
ACQUA DOLCE BY GIOCHIX.IT (2009) IS A CARD GAME.Players are aquarium-lovers collectively managing a large aquariumTHE GAME STARTSplacing 3 objective cards and 7 cards (containing Fish, Ornament and Feed cards). 3 cards are placed face up on the table. During their turn, players: draw a card and perform any of the 3 allowed nature-like actions (play 1 card, play 1 Fish school card, draw 1 card or discard 2 cards). The player that first finishes his cards and accomplishes one or more objectives, is the winner.ACQUA DOLCE IS AN EASY GAME TO LEARN.Its easy mechanics makes it a fast and amusing game. However, thinking and strategy are required. For these reasons, it is a game for families, but also for a friends pleasant evening. Hersteller: Giochix Edizioni, Lieferzeit/Verfügbarkeit: Tage, Versandkosten: ab 0,00 Euro
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Acqua Dolce (engl.)
