Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Return of the Heroes (engl.)
Zurück: Im Schatten des Drachen (Deluxe) Weiter: My Dwarves fly... (engl.)
Experience exciting adventures in a fantastic world! Return of the Heroes is more than a game; it is epic fantasy adventure! You play a talented but inexperienced character whose skills improve as you ad-venture across the kingdom. You will experience the progression of your character from upstart to hero. Return of the Heroes is your portal to the fantastic world of elves; dwarves; mages; fighters; and clerics! Experience exciting adventures in the King?s city and its surrounding lands; barter in the markets of Zenda; fight against giants; trolls; and other dark enemies. Eventually you will become strong enough to take on the cruel Nameless in his tower. If you succeed you return home a hero! Return of the Heroes is your key to many great adventures! You begin by ex-plore a world unknown to you. You find information; gold; and magical arti-facts; all of which help you to succeed in your ultimate goal to defeat the evil Nameless. However; always be on your guard; the Servants of the Name-less can be anywhere! Players can fulfill one of eight heroic deeds and finally challenge and de-feat one of the six randomly chosen Nameless evils. The development of their character; the increase in their skills and the gaining of experience are well displayed on user-friendly character sheets. With 32 random event chits and 16 different movable maps regions no two games will ever be the same.Return of the Heroes is a game for the whole family and offers endless game combinations. Retrun of the Heroes Brettspiel von Lutz Stepponat; 1 - 4 Spieler ab 10 Jahren; Spieldauer 45 - 90 Minuten; Pegasus Spiele (2003) Hier klicken: Zum Shop mit Return of the Heroes (engl.)!
Zurück: Im Schatten des Drachen (Deluxe) Weiter: My Dwarves fly... (engl.)