Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Rise of Empires (engl.)
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Rise of Empires (engl.)

Rise of Empires (engl.)
In Rise of Empires two to five players are building their own civilization from the dawn of history to present times. All players start ?small? and fairly powerless, however, through clever play they try to gain wealth and progress in several areas.Rise of Empires is divided into three eras. Each era consists of two game turns. The core of the game is the Action Display where players conduct various actions during a turn. The first turn in an era is called the ?A? turn, the second one the ?B? turn. In a way, the ?B? turn is a mirror image of the ?A? turn.The aim of the game is to have the most victory points at the end. Victory points are scored by building cities, by having an empire, and by trading goods.In contrast to some other civilization type games, Rise of Empires plays fairly quickly. A full game can be completed in less than three hours. Hersteller: Phalanx Games, Lieferzeit/Verfügbarkeit: Tage, Versandkosten: ab 0,00 Euro
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Rise of Empires (engl.)
