Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - TransAmerica (engl.)
Zurück: Traders of Genoa (engl.) Weiter: TransEuropa (engl.)
America in the 19th century: railroads are booming! Pioneer spirit and vision are everywhere. Everyone wants to be the first to build a railroad network across the country. Each player has five cities and tries to connect them with a shared network of tra cks. As soon as a player has done this; the round ends. The other players lose points. At the end of the game; the player who has the most points left is the winner! Who will be the first to connect his cities? Is it Casey; who was the first t o build through the mountains to the west? Or Annie; who was the one who best made use of the others tracks? Hier klicken: Zum Shop mit TransAmerica (engl.)!
Zurück: Traders of Genoa (engl.) Weiter: TransEuropa (engl.)