Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Oltre Mare (engl.)
Zurück: Odin`s Ravens (engl.) Weiter: Palazzo (engl.)
The Mediterranean Sea is the lifeline for merchants living in the lands on its shores. In Oltre Mare; players represent competing merchant families plying their trade throughout the region. As the players move their ships from port to port; they try to load and deliver large cargos of the seven major trading goods of the day: spices; silk; silver; sugar; wine; wood; and grain. With experience; each has learned what the market limit for each good is; and will try to fill his ship with just this much of each cargo type to gain the most from his investments. Of course; players must always be on the lookout for pirates; who will board careless ships; stealing both cargos and reputations. The most successful player will earn the most money - you are merchants; after all); and win the game! Hier klicken: Zum Shop mit Oltre Mare (engl.)!
Zurück: Odin`s Ravens (engl.) Weiter: Palazzo (engl.)