Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Munchkin 4: Need for Steed (engl.)
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Munchkin 4: The Need for Steed is the latest expansion for the original Munchkin - 112 more John Kovalic-illustrated cards for killing monsters; stealing treasure; and backstabbing your fellow players. This set introduces Steeds; the trusty mounts of legend . . . Oh; wait - this is Munchkin! So these Steeds include not just the Dragon and the Tiger; but the Giant Mutant Gerbil (drawn by guest artist Shaenon K. Garrity of Narbonic); the Chicken; and Big Joe; who might be a Steed or might be a Hireling. Its hard to tell.Hireling? Yes indeed; The Need for Steed has lots and lots of Hirelings; who look quite a bit like Sidekicks from Super Munchkin; or Minions from Munchkin Bites! Add these valuable characters to your retinue; use their special abilities; and sacrifice them without a thought to save your own skin! Or; better yet; kill somebody elses Hireling. Thats the way a Munchkin does it!Feel the need . . . The Need for Steed! Hier klicken: Zum Shop mit Munchkin 4: Need for Steed (engl.)!
Zurück: Killer-Karnickel Weiter: Munchkin 4: Rasende Rösser