Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Munchkin Impossible (engl.) (2. Wahl)
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The Munchkins are now spies . . . eliminating the opposition; playing with self-destructing gadgets; and changing loyalties even faster than they change hats. Be a Playboy; Tourist; or Assassin. Report to the Americans; Russians; British; or Chinese (itll change!). Wield gadgets from the subtle Cigarette Dart Gun to the amazingly unsubtle Bazooka with Incendiary Ammo. Eliminate foes; from the pathetic Defective Defector; through the Interro-Gator and the Not So Secret Police; up to the mighty Super Spy himself. And (all together now) . . . Take Their Stuff! You can play Munchkin Impossible by itself; or combine it with any number of other Munchkin games for more shameless silliness. Hier klicken: Zum Shop mit Munchkin Impossible (engl.) (2. Wahl)!
Zurück: Monsters Menace America (engl.) (2. Wahl) Weiter: Nexus Ops (engl.) (2. Wahl)