Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Tribes (engl.)
Zurück: Settlers of Catan (new edition) (engl.) Weiter: Big Kini (gebraucht)
Tribes has been a convention favorite for many years. Designed by Steve Jackson and award-winning SF author David Brin; Tribes started as a very simple roleplaying game which plays a lot like a boardgame. The Second Edition streamlines play further and upgrades the components to a level expected by modern gamers.In Tribes; the players are cave men and women. They hunt and gather food; make their tribal laws; and deal with natural disasters. But the object of the game is simple: Look after the children! In this game; the way to win is to have the most kids; and do whatever you have to do to make sure they survive to adulthood. The players must know when to cooperate; and when to cut their losses and protect their own families. Hier klicken: Zum Shop mit Tribes (engl.)!
Zurück: Settlers of Catan (new edition) (engl.) Weiter: Big Kini (gebraucht)