Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Build! (engl.)
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Build! (engl.)

Build! (engl.)
In Build! You have to play the role of a pitiless businessman who wants to build up as many constructions as he can; regardless of their nature and without caring about the damages they can deliver to environment and public health. To achieve your goal; you can use different kinds of Cards: Land Cards; on which you can build up constructions; Construction Cards; representing the different buildings you can put on your lands; Actions Cards (Attack & Defence); which have the aim to damage the enemies and/or to defend yourself from enemy attacks; Catastrophe; which are terrible events that could happen and damage all players in the game (Eg. Earthquakes; Volcanic Eruptions; etc.)All the cards illustrations are very funny and the rules are easy.
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Build! (engl.)
