Übersicht - Brettspiele und Kartenspiele - Age of Steam Ex. Maps 4
Zurück: Siam Weiter: Puerto Rico inkl. Erweiterung für das Brettspiel (für PC)
This expansion was first released in limited edtion at Essen 2004 (80 ex) from Winsome Games; sold with Australian Railways and Riding Through England. The release date of the Warfrog edition is October 2005. France : Paris is a multicolor city with a very strong good production. Many action have changed : Urbanisation is weaker; Production stronger and you need the ingeneer to build on mountains. Italy : there are no towns; only cities and you can not build new cities (no urbanisation). You can only build one complete link by turn (no hex limits). There is no more share limits and penalty for issuing shares is less than usual. Also beware of the black goods; their movement can decrease your income. Urbanization action is changed. Hier klicken: Zum Shop mit Age of Steam Ex. Maps 4!
Zurück: Siam Weiter: Puerto Rico inkl. Erweiterung für das Brettspiel (für PC)